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Our Little Lady...It is too hard to say Goodbye...

Wednesday we lost our beautiful Faith, she was only 9 years old.

February 9 2008 – June 21 2017

She was a very special girl to both Brad and I, coming into our lives at a very tough time. We loved her so much and I know that she loved us too. We are beyond shocked and devastated, she had not been well so we took her into the vet Wednesday afternoon. She went into cardiac arrest when they went to do bloodwork and in an instant she was gone. The vet did an autopsy (they called it something else but I don’t remember) and called to tell us they found pancreatic cancer, cancer around her heart and fluid starting in her lungs. I cannot even breathe right now. To some a cat is merely a cat but to us she was so very much more than that, we miss her more than words can describe right now.

On June 22, 2017 I received the following message from her. We had no idea how sick she was and what she was going through...

Dear Mommy,

I stayed as long as I could because I love you and Daddy. It was getting so hard, I had too much pain to stay and it broke my heart to go; to know how sad and heartbroken you would be. It is okay to cry, I know you loved me very, very much…and to miss me but you will need to let go and move forward. Pour your love into my sisters, my family. You gave me a beautiful home, filled with love and treats and now I have gone to a beautiful home in Heaven, my body healed. I love you Mommy and Daddy.

Love, Faith.

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