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The Blank Canvas

Spring is in the air, I have been watching the changing of the season as I head to work each day, the moon still in the sky as the sun starts to rise in the east…a beautiful red glowing ball that seems to shout with joy and anticipation for the new day.

Spring is all about renewal. We seem to come out of hibernation and begin to seek new projects, spring cleaning, de-cluttering and ridding of the old as we put on the new.

One of my wishes for this spring was to participate in a paint nite. It was important for two reasons…one to justify the paint supplies I bought last fall on a whim and two… to explore something new.

I cannot tell you how excited I was when I received an invite to go to my very first paint nite! I thought “wow” finally I can see how the paint supplies are used then I will know what to do with everything I bought and put on the shelf all those months ago.

When I arrived, the picture we were painting was up on display and it looked great! Thanks to a great idea by my wonderful friend, I was going to step out of the box and paint with red not the aquamarine, even though it looked beautiful.

We found our table and saw our supplies…the paint brushes and paint….and the blank canvas…. It was in this moment that reality set in and I started to get very nervous. Oh my god what was I going to do?! I cannot tell you what I felt in the moment where my friend said we start by painting the whole canvas with water…I thought okay I can do this, really how hard can it be… did I put enough water on…did I put too much water on?

It was going downhill fast and I hadn’t even started with the paints yet! Now I had prepared by watching the recommended brush tips videos including the one on making a moon so when the instructor started us with creating the moon on the canvas I thought I can do that… I watched the video. Well, long story short…my moon looked more like an eye than a moon but I was okay with that…I was just relieved to figure out how to use the papa brush and do blending of black and white