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Women Talk

Last fall I attended Women Talk for the first time and in that moment I knew that this was a place for me. When the opportunity presented itself for me to be a Chapter Director I immediately signed on!

Why Women Talk?

In the past few months of my own life journey I have been learning much about my own life and I believe it is important for each of us to discover our story (we all have a story) so we can share with other women to encourage, inspire and empower one another. Brigitte Lessard, Founder of Women Talk, says it best "By Sharing Their Stories, Women Make Their Community Stronger".

What is Women Talk?

It is an evening gathering where women present and share their inspiring stories, thoughts, ideas and experiences. We laugh, we learn and we are entertained by amazing WOMEN TALKers! The evening is fast-paced with each presenters speaking for 15-20 minutes, TED TALK style. We are for Women from all walks of life – from stay at home moms to CEOs.

Where is Women Talk?

The event runs in different locations around the province (Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Strathmore, Okotoks and soon coming to Medicine Hat).

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