KINDNESS – Have you ever stopped to really see the impact an act of kindness can have? First the act starts with a whispering in our heart to do something kind for someone. We respond to that whisper by saying a kind word or reaching out somehow to the person that has been placed on our heart. We feel great afterwards and that is wonderful! What is even more wonderful is that the simple gesture may forever change the course of that person’s life – the hug that gave healing to a broken heart, a meal for a hungry child, a smile that stops that person from ending their life, a gift of hope for someone who is at the end of their rope, the list is endless…
Today let’s reach out to others with hearts filled with kindness, remember to smile, to say hello, to give a hug or whatever is laid on your heart to do for someone. Listen to that little whisper, you never know how the world may be forever changed by your simple gesture of kindness